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Russian version

Репьев. БиографияRepiev

In advertising
since 1966.
In marketing
since 1988.

Founder of the School

President of
Mekka Consulting.


The school

To teach not thoughts but thinking.

Immanuel Kant


Founded in 2000.
Tuition in Russian.

Students come from many countries.

The philosophy of the school is the development of
marketing thinking and skills.
From practice... to practice!

The school's mainstay is a 13-week distance course
in marketing and advertising.

Training is accompanied with consulting of practitioners.

We also conduct seminars and master-classes (in Russian and English) in Russia and other countries.

Articles by A. Repiev

in English

Kotler and Kotleroids

A glimpse of Russia's advertising and marketing

The Lunatics have taken over the asylum

A physicist's view on branding

Pseudomarketing: scholasticism and bureaucracy

The Augean stables of academic marketing

The soap bubble of
"22 Immutable Laws of Marketing" — Review


Articles in Russian


Books by A. Repiev

Marketing Thinking
or Clientomania

in Russian and English

Abstract, preface, and TOC
Available at

The Savvy Advertiser
in Russian and Bulgarian   + 7 (499) 194-52-21